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September 3rd, 2019

6C Timetable 2019-2020
Timetable - Revised 5-page-001.jpg

September 5th, 2019


Our appreciation pockets are ready to be put into action! Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to write an appreciation to each of their classmates. In turn, each student will have the opportunity to receive an appreciation from each classmate. These pockets are where we will keep our appreciations during the school year.


September 6th, 2019

Our Welcome Sign is up! Each student in the class designed and painted one of the letters/ symbols.

Welcome Sign.jpg

September 6th, 2019

Learning to Type (Properly)

Some benefits of learning to type well:

  • Higher rates of speed and accuracy

  • Saves a lot of time

  • Essential skill that is widely applicable

  • Often a huge benefit in the workplace

  • Efficiency

  • Helps to improve focus with tasks involving written communication

  • Health benefits (proper posture, hand position etc.)

  • A foundation for developing other skills

  • Productivity

In addition to step-by-step instruction and practice passages from our read-aloud texts, we are also using [LINK]. Each student has a username and the password if they would like to do some typing practice at home. We will also be using [LINK] when students have had time to build their skills. It is extremely important that students use the proper fingering, hand position and posture when learning to type. See Diagram [LINK]

September 9th, 2019

Our "Ticket" System!

"Tickets," in the form of nickels, are handed out for positive actions. Students are given regular opportunities to exchange their nickels (and subsequent money amounts) for a higher denomination. For example, if a student has earned two nickels, he/ she exchanges them for a dime. If a student has two dimes and a nickel, he/ she exchanges them for a quarter. When students have earned $1 +, I will "open up" the classroom "store," where students can make purchases with their "earnings."

Concepts, knowledge and skills being practiced include:

  • number sense through $

  • addition and subtraction

  • multiplication and division

  • factors and multiples

  • calculating percents (taxes)

September 23rd, 2019

“It Does not Matter how Slowly you Go, so Long as You do not Stop.” ~ Confucius

Discussion Question - think about a time you failed at something.  How did it make you feel? What happened afterwards? YOU CAN DO ANYTHING VIDEO LINK

Do you recognize some of these names? What do you know about them? What's a common thread among all of these people?


Winston Churchill, Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg, Elvis Presley, Dr. Seuss, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Michael Jordan,The Beatles, Albert Einstein



October 3rd, 2019

Parler en Francais!

We've been incorporating some French vocabulary into our daily conversation! Words and phrases we've learned so far include:


Bonjour/ Hello

Comment ca va?/ How are you?

Ca va bien/ It's going good

Ca va comme-ci, comm-ca/ It's going okay

Ca va mal/ It's going badly

Aurevoir/ Goodbye 

Merci/ Thank you

Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix (1-10)

Onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt (11-20)

Vingt-et-un, vingt-deux, vingt-trois, vingt-quatre, vingt-cinq, vingt-six, vingt-sept, vingt-huit, vingt-neuf, trente (21-30)


Numbers Pronunciation Audio LINK

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